The South Carolina Republican Presidential Preference Primary will be held on Saturday, Feb. 24, in Abbeville County and the remainder of South Carolina as well.
The three candidates on the ballot who are still in the running for the Presidency will be former President Donald Trump, and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and Ryan L. Binkley.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the primary, the second Presidential preference primary held in South Carolina this month.
"Early voting continues through Thursday here at the County Complex," said Randy Curtis, Abbeville County voter registration director.
To vote early, one needs to go to the voter office in the complex between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. The Abbeville County Administrative Complex is located at 903 West Greenwood Street, Abbeville.
President Joseph Biden won the Democratic Party Presidential primary held on Saturday, Feb. 3.
Voters may cast their ballots in one primary or the other, but not both. Thus, those who voted in the Democratic Primary may not vote in the Republican Primary.
Advisory questions
There will be three advisory questions on the Republican Presidential primary ballot.
Question One:
Should South Carolina law be changed to give people the right to register to vote with the political party of their choice?
Question Two:
Should South Carolina adopt reforms to increase the independence and accountability of our judiciary by improving transparency and reducing conflicts of interest in the process of reviewing judicial qualifications, and electing judges?
Question Three:
Should it be an immediate legislative priority to protect South Carolina's competitiveness and small businesses by changing state law so that a person's responsibility for financial damages in a lawsuit is based on that person's actual share of responsibility?
Polling places
For the Republican primary, some of the polling places in Abbeville County will be combined, according to Abbeville County voter registration director Randy Curtis.
"The state political parties requested counties to combine polling locations for the primaries since the parties bear the expense," Curtis said.
Combined polling locations include the following:
Abbeville 1, Abbeville 2, Abbeville 3, Abbeville 4 and Lebanon will vote at the Abbeville Administrative Complex, 903 West Greenwood Street.
Donalds and Due West precincts will vote at the Due West Fire Department, 13 Church Street, in Due West.
Broadmouth and Halls Store precincts will vote at Calvary Baptist Church, 5551 Hwy 242 Ware Shoals.
"All other polling locations will be open," said Curtis.
"An advisory question is a type of ballot measure that is non-binding, meaning the outcome of the ballot measure has no legal effect on a state's laws," according to Ballotpedia.